Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Up at 6. Packed. Will leave for airport around 10. Flight at 12:10 PM.

Flight was on time. Arrived home ahead of schedule. Dan met me at curb.

Wonderful vacation!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Up at 6. Office by 8:30. Suppose to be hot again today, nearing 100.

Yes, today it got really hot. Temp at 3 is 95. Ugh.

Dan - today I converted my production over to Windows 7. Still have Vista for backup.

Eventually peaked at 101.

Had lovely supper outside by the pool. Temp by 7 was down to 80.

Quiet evening outside.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Up at 6. Office by 8:30.

Quiet morning at office.

Left at 2 to help with grandkids.

Took Tristan to swimming lessons.

Had delicious supper in downtown Pleasanton.

Day time was very hot - high of 95.

Evening in back yard was lovely. Ate peaches & plums from Chris & Lara's trees.

Took lots of pictures of Julian, Holden, & Tristan, below. Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Up at 6. Sunday. Can't sleep.

Quiet morning. Went to Fry's Electronics this afternoon.

This morning I took pictures all over M&M's back yard. Lots of pictures of their "gardens". Enjoy.

And don't miss breakfast pictures at the end.

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