Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Up at 6. Office by 8:30.

Yesterday I finally got through all my pictures taken on contest day. So, clicking this link will let you see my selections -

Spent morning at A.G.I., a client, fixing problems and picked up a laptop with a virus for repair.

Great lunch at De La Cruz deli.

Now at Sun (Oracle) fixing problems and picking up another laptop that needs repair.

(above updated with my phone.)

This evening, Chris, Lara, Lara's dad, Aziz, the the 3 kids, Julian, Holden, & Tristen came down for supper on the patio. Kids then went swimming followed by a family baseball game in the back yard. I'll post more pictures tomorrow.

1 view out M&M's back door toward pool.

2 newly rebuilt deck & patio.

3 Mike walking into his office.

4 Dan, Kath, & Dave need to guess where this is.

5 view from Dumbarton bridge of old railroad bridge & old auto bridge.


  1. I have no idea where photo 4 is! Why would I know? Looks like some sort of airport...hangars in the background???

  2. It's a picture of Moffett field. We lived just south of here and frequently saw planes over our house that took off from this field. It's also the location of NASA-Ames wind tunnel.
